02 September 2009

"The Empty Chair" at Graham Greene International Festival 2009

At the 2009 Festival, Prof. François Gallix (Sorbonne, Paris) will give a twenty-minute introduction to his discovery of Graham Greene’s unfinished and unpublished manuscript “The Empty Chair” at 4.50pm on Friday 2nd October in the Town Hall, Berkhamsted (UK).

Prof. Gallix’s words will follow the published afternoon programme, which includes talks by Tom Aitken (St. Deiniol’s Library, Hawarden, UK) and Fr. Mark Bosco, S.J. (Loyola University, Chicago, USA).

Following last month's publication of the first chapter of five in the monthly serialization of "The Empty Chair" in Strand magazine, Prof. Gallix was recently interviewed by Marijke Peters on Radio Netherlands Worldwide. Click here to read Miss Peters’ article and to listen to her interview.

Click here to listen again to the interview on BBC Radio 4's "Today" programme (broadcast on 27th July 2009), when Andrew Gulli (managing editor, Strand) and Prof. Cedric Watts (Sussex Univerity) were interviewed.

Prof. Gallix will speak at greater length upon Greene's unpublished work in a full talk at the Festival in 2010, by which time each of the five chapters of "The Empty Chair" will have been published.

Click here to read Alison Flood's article on "The Empty Chair" in "The Guardian" newspaper.

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